Over 30 fantastic vendors, with work including blank books, artist’s books, papermaking, screenprints, lithographs, etchings, works on paper and more!
Agathe Bouton
Instagram: @agathebouton
Alyssa Robbins
Angelique Kopacz
Instagram: @_angeliquearts
Bill Brookover
Instagram: @bill.brookover
Bryn Ziegler
Instagram: @bryn.ziegler
Dafna Steinberg
Instagram: @dafnasteinbergart
Danielle Siegelbaum
Instagram: @daniellesiegelbaum
Evgenia Kim
Instagram: @springjane
Gordon Stillman
Instagram: @gordonstillman
Jane Mihalick
Instagram: @janemihalick
Kailey Brown
Instagram: @kaileymackenziebrown
Kara Petraglia: Salt Paper Press & Bindery
Instagram: @makeyounosense
Katie VanVliet
Instagram: @kvanvliet
Lauren Scheiderer
Marianne Dages: Huldra Press
Instagram: @huldrapress
Marianne R. Petit
Instagram: @mariannerpetit
Philadelphia Center for the Book/Free Library of Philadelphia
Instagram: @philadelphiacenterforthebook, @art_freelibraryofphiladelphia
Rebecca Kelly
Instagram: @rebecca18kelly
Ryan Pic
Instagram: @earthwormenthusiast
Second State Press
Instagram: @secondstatepress
Sophy DiPinto: BookGrrl Bindery
Instagram: @bookgrrlbindery
Tempest Diamond
Thomas Parker Williams: Luminice Press
Uarts Book Arts + Printmaking MFA program
Instagram: @bookprintmfa